The Gospel

cross-at-duskLet’s do a brief recap to this point in our discussion. We’ve talked about capturing or re-capturing hope in our lives by examining our premises, and understanding that real hope begins with knowing the truth.   You’ve also read that God wrote His Word for us, and for the benevolent purpose of showing us the truth – which He alone has the power to establish. Central to this hope is His promise of eternal life – a life which continues past the point where our physical bodies expire. We’ve examined the perfectly-preserved words of Jesus and found that He has declared all of scripture to be written by God himself, infallibly true and complete.

In His Word, God has much to say about eternal life, and how it came to be secured for us. That’s where we’re going next. We’ll start by examining God’s attributes more closely, the perfect nature of His creation, and how evil entered the world shortly after this. Next, we’ll examine a fact from God’s Word that both Christians and non-Christians often miss: how the devastation of evil fits into an omnipotent God’s overall purpose. Finally, we’ll examine the specifics on how God is carrying out His grand purpose today – and where you fit in it – whether you happen to believe in His Word or not.

Each page ahead lays the foundation for the next part of the story – we’ll provide a summary of key “takeaways” at the bottom of each of these pages. These are concepts you must grasp before the next page will make any sense. If you need to take a break, you can always return to the page where you left- off by navigating the “Christianity?” pull-down menu above – or simply book-mark where you left-off for later.

The story gets rather dark early on: please stay with us, because it ultimately ends on an incredibly hope-filled note!

Let’s begin here.